What is Self-Care

Is self care important? I literally find this to be a very odd question. Why, well since when has looking after oneself become such a controversial topic of conversation. In this article, we try to briefly answer this question, nd more importantly, we've added free resources for you to further explore the topic.

Self-care literally refers to taking care of the whole person. It encompasses everything we do to maintain our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being.

Self-care does not equate to selfishness or self-indulgence. In order to be able to do your job, be healthy, be well enough to care for others, help others, and accomplish everything you need to and want to do in a day, you must practice self-care. 

It does not imply prioritizing yourself and your care, over others. The old adage "You can't pour from an empty cup" puts it beautifully. 

So, Is Self Care Important and Why?

Self-care is one aspect to the solution of how we can all more effectively manage our daily stressors. Everyone is affected by the epidemic of anxiety and depression that we are currently experiencing. 

This has been shown to have had serious implications, including compromised relationships, burnout, depression, anxiety, resentment, anger and a wide range of other unfavorable effects. 

It has been clinically demonstrated that practicing self-care can lessen or completely eliminate anxiety, depression, and stress as well as boost happiness, energy, and concentration. This article from Everyday Health, has medically reviewed the importance of self care.

Self-care has been clinically shown to lower heart disease, stroke, and other physical ailments. Spiritually, it might support our efforts to remain in touch with our higher power and discover our life's purpose.

Why Gratitude Is Important

Gratitude plays and important part in your overall wellbeing, and thus, when answering the question, is self care important.  Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness in positive psychology research. 

Gratitude assists people in feeling more positive emotions, appreciating good experiences, improving their health, dealing with adversity, and developing strong relationships.

You may access our popular gratitude journal example which takes you through effective prompts to heighten your gratitude experience. This is a free resource which you may download and print out for free.


So in short, to answer the questions is self care important, the answer is an irrevocable, yes! The old adage "You can't pour from an empty cup" is more relevant today than it has ever been.

Self care strategies is just one in a host of personal development and growth, strategies which you need to incorporate in you overall self care. So if your goal is to build the confidence, beliefs & habits you need in order to finally stop settling for less, and start living life on your own terms, click here.